Mars Hellas
Orbit & 5 GUM Promo Kit
Packaging Innovation Awards GOLD

Chewing gum while driving is a popular habit. MARS HELLAS assigned us to design and manufacture a Trade Promo Kit that would emphasise the connection between chewing and driving and would at the same time shelter Orbit and 5 Gum chewing gums.

We brainstormed as real ‘Μad men’ do and we had real fun! We ended up with the concept of a 4wheel drive that never stops. To promote this concept we built the most suitable “vehicle” and we used the Orbit and 5 Gum chewing gums as “passengers”. The vehicle Promo Kit goes beyond the mere depiction of a “jeep” and looks like a real toy carrying the chewing gum brands.

The 3D representation of the car and its accessories is made of recycled cardboard and paper.

The packaging received the Golden Award in Packaging Innovation Awards 2019.


Project type


Box type